There are countless factors to consider while picking out paint for a project, like its sheen, whether it’s oil or latex, or even exterior or interior paint. When you know the ins-and-outs of paint, you can easily determine which of these factors you need to consider and why. For now, let’s start with the difference between exterior and interior paint, because you have to begin somewhere! Read on to learn the difference between these two types of paint and how to determine which one is best for your needs.
(more…)Platinum Painting Blog
3 Common Interior Painting Problems To Avoid
April 5, 2020
Have you been toying with the idea of painting your walls in your home but are worried about making rookie mistakes? If you’re not a professional painter, it’s no surprise that you’ll likely encounter some common errors, like using the wrong materials or rushing the paint job. In order to make your effort and time worth it, read on to learn about three common problems to avoid if you need to paint the inside of your house.
(more…)3 Factors to Consider When Choosing Interior Paint For Your Home
March 8, 2020
Choosing paint for the inside of your home can feel overwhelming, especially if you’re unsure of what qualities to look for in a good paint. With a professional by your side and your time and effort, your project can breathe new life into your home. It will also provide you with an opportunity to create new spaces that are a genuine representation of who you are. If you’re on the hunt for new paint options, read on to learn three tips for picking interior paint so you can get the project right the first time around.
(more…)5 Tips for Picking Exterior Paint Color
February 3, 2020
Even though picking out paint may seem fun and easy in theory, it can be an incredibly overwhelming process. The last problem you would want is to choose paint that looks great on a small scale, but odd as soon as you begin covering your entire home. A little bit of pre-project research can go a long way. Read on to learn five tips for picking exterior paint color, and how you can achieve beautiful curbside results the first time around.
(more…)2020 Paint Color Trends You Don’t Want To Miss
December 29, 2019
Along with the new year, 2020 has also inspired three new paint color trends that can provide your home with a much-needed facelift. Something as simple as changing up the color of your bedroom can make your house feel newer, providing a more affordable alternative to pricey and time-consuming remodeling projects. A great way to celebrate your new intentions in 2020 is to transform your home with a fresh coat of paint.
(more…)How Is Paint Made? And Other Questions You Didn’t Know You Needed to Know
November 20, 2019
At the grocery store, you’re careful to choose healthy, organic foods whenever you can because you’re concerned about your family’s well-being and because quality matters to you. However, do you know what is in the paint that you plan to put on the walls? Are you sure that you’re getting quality paint that will last? Here are some questions that you may not have thought of at first, but knowing the answers can help you make sure that you get the right paint for your living spaces.
(more…)4 Tips for Painting Your Kid’s Room
October 18, 2019
As you tuck your child into bed and say good night, like you do every night, you take a quick look around their room. You notice that they’ve clearly outgrown the nursery décor theme, and their room could use an update—starting with the wall paint. Other than knowing that you want to get rid of the baby feel of the room, you’re not sure which direction to go. A trip to look at paint colors will quickly let you know that you have thousands of choices to pick from. You can become overwhelmed. Well, keep reading this post to learn how you can find color(s) that will help your child feel at home in their bedroom.
(more…)How Do I Pick Out My Paint?
September 25, 2019
You’re finally ready to paint that guest room. It’s been bothering you for a while now, and you need to prepare it for the upcoming holidays when you’ll have visitors stay. But when you approach the paint section of the home improvement store, you feel your heart pound. Who knew there were so many shades of white? And which brand should you use? Does the sheen really matter? How on earth are you going to pick out your paint? Read on to learn how you can make this decision simpler.